If you're like us, we love stickers! It's not only a great way to give your boards some character, it's also a good way to collect and represent the brands you love! With that said, we'd like to provide some easy tips on how to receive free stickers from yours truly. Simply read instructions below.

What do you need?
1. First you need two envelops, one being larger than the other. Address the first (larger) envelope to us, add a stamp, and list yourself as the return address on the top left corner of the envelope (incase the envelope doesn’t make it to us).
2. Address the second (smaller) envelope to yourself, add a stamp, and list our address on the top left corner of the envelope. DO NOT seal this envelope. Insert this smaller envelope into the larger envelope and seal the larger envelope.
3. Drop these envelops into the mail and wait for our wonderful package of FREE stickers to make its way back to you.
Who to address it to?
Yocaher Skateboards
14455 Ramona Ave. Suite D
Chino, Ca, 91710
How do I use them?
This is the best part, and it’s actually all up to you. We suggest you use them to decorate your walls, folders, skateboard, car bumper, helmets, backpack, or anything else. We will make sure to send you enough so that you will be able to share them with your friends. Use them as decoration, collect them, or share them with your friends, but make sure to connect with us on social media to share your wonderful pictures of how you were able to use the stickers.

Thanks for reading! Keep us posted for any questions
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